Data Justice Projects
I am researching the collection and use of justice system data around the world, and I’m looking for examples to explore. Broadly speaking, I’m interested in any work, public or private, that improves the collection or use of justice system data. The projects don’t have to be perfect or even altruistic in their intention, it’s a question of function. Some examples include:
The South Africa State Information Technology Agency’s collection of Department of Justice data;
Florida’s novel law on criminal justice data collection and centralization;
Measures for Justice’s and Recidiviz’s collection of local and state justice data in the US; and
China’s internet courts.
Below, please leave your name, email, the country in which the project takes place, and a description of the project. The description can be short and should include the name and goal of the project, the agency or people involved, and any relevant links.
I’ll follow up with as many submissions as I can. Thank you in advance for your help.